Electrical Safety Compliance

Obtain an electrical safety certification

At GROLL INGENIERIA, we take care of carrying out the entire process of the electrical safety certification. Starting from receiving the product samples and processing the importing permit, up to the emission of the certificate and the delivery of the final document, issued by the Ministry of Production.

Relevant documents

  • Nota de Apertura de Sin Derecho a Uso (SDU)
  • Formulario de toma de muestras
  • Informe de Ensayos
  • Certificado de Conformidad de Seguridad Eléctrica
  • Formulario de Comercialización

Contact us

Want to know more about us? We'd love to hear from you!

Vuelta de Obligado 2789, 5ºA, Belgrano, Capital Federal | (+5411) 2153-1527 | info@grollingenieria.com.ar