Logo Groll Ingenieria

Specialists in certification services and ENACOM homologations

Groll Ingenieria


We are a company of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the certifications, engineering, product quality and project management fields.

We Focus in Optimization

The elevated cost of certifications is a potential obstacle for the development of new products. We are aware of these restrictions and we focus in the optimización right from the start of the process.

Know How

Our team at GROLL INGENIERIA is fully familiarized with the required standards, processes and behaviors of certification bodies, laboratories and government entities. It is because of this knowledge that we can be efficient in our tasks, saving time and certification costs for our clients.

Servicio Integral

Our flexibility lets us adapt to our clients' needs, assuring that they find the best quality and efficiency in our services. We tailor our online deliverables database to every specific requirement the client has.

Contact us

Want to know more about us? We'd love to hear from you!

Vuelta de Obligado 2789, 5ºA, Belgrano, Capital Federal | (+5411) 2153-1527 | info@grollingenieria.com.ar